The power of solar eclipses can be easily observed in natal charts; if they make strong contacts with natal placements, they reset the whole energy setup of individuals, making them either stronger or weaker physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, depending on the kinds of contacts they make with the natal placements. For astrologers, ignoring them in their yearly forecasts means depriving themselves of the most lucid astrological insights.
From the mundane perspective, solar eclipses are powerful game changers, setting the tone in weather, politics and social trends for months or even years to come. Their influence lasts between half a year to up to several years, depending on the duration of the shadow. For example, if an eclipse lasts 30 seconds, its effects will be felt for about half a year, but if it lasts for 7 minutes, it'll introduce processes that are lengthy, durable and historically important. Due to the complexity of mundane observations, and the sheer size of the world with its plethora of mundane charts operating on smaller scales, it is of course not easy to cast solar eclipse predictions.
The total solar eclipse of December 4, 2021 will take place at 12°22' Sagittarius and will be accompanied (preceded) by a partial lunar eclipse on November 19 at 27°14 Taurus. The eclipse, although total, does not give the impression of being particularly powerful or ground-shaking. The reasons are manifold.
Firstly, its totality lasts only 1 minute and 54 seconds which is on the short side of an average eclipse duration. Secondly, the path itself covers the far side of the Earth (Antarctica), thereby weakening its overall effect. Thirdly, the eclipse degree is 'void-of-course' so to speak, because it's only two applying aspects are a very loose square to Neptune (8 degree orb) and an even fainter sextile to Jupiter (13 degree orb). Still, the eclipse can be seen as benevolent; also 'hot' and 'moist', due to the combined influence of the eclipse dispositor Jupiter receiving a square of Mars, and the said Neptune square. Measured by declination, the eclipse degree is parallel to Mercury and Venus which again inclines to warmth.
Although all eclipses 'work' on both terrestrial hemispheres, the effects tend to be stronger on the hemisphere where the eclipse path can be seen. In this case, this is the southern hemisphere. Still, the effects of any eclipse can be felt all along the so-called 'extension lines' – longitude and latitude lines that run along the eclipses' east and west (starting and ending) points. The critical regions are those where the extension lines cross any of the ACG (astrocartography) lines of the eclipse or the accompanying lunar nodes. Those ACG lines run along both hemispheres, of course, and eclipse-sensitive are all the regions within a few hundred kilometers east and west of any line - eclipse or node on the ASC, DESC, IC, MC, as well as lines that are in square to those points. Planetary ACG lines play a role too, of course, but for clarity reasons, I am omitting them from this presentation.

Picture 1 shows that the eclipse path itself, as well as the extension lines, run mainly along the uninhabited regions of the Earth. Brazil, however, and Greenland, will be affected. Brazil is one of the most populated countries whereas Greenland is the least populated in the whole world, so the possible adverse effects of the eclipse would be mostly felt by the Brazilian population. As for Brazil's climate, Rio de Janeiro has long periods of heavy rain from December to March, suggesting that the 2021/22 rain season could be particularly 'wet', causing life-threatening floods. This tendency is exacerbated by the fact that the eclipse/Ascendant line runs over the country.
Among other regions that will be affected are the western US states (Washington, Oregon, California), by virtue of the eclipse on the IC and square the ASC/DSC axis. See Picture 2 for a vivid presentation of the eclipse exactly conjoined the IC in Los Angeles. That could introduce a period of profound changes for the city (or the larger area), possibly involving political or leadership struggles. Although this eclipse is not particularly 'shaky' (has no links to Uranus or any malefic), there is a possibility of earthquakes that could be stronger than the norm.

Another sensitive region, with the eclipse on MC, is the Middle East. The line runs through western Afghanistan and eastern Iran, which could give rise to animosity between the two countries, or a worsening of the refugee situation. Interestingly, the eclipse is in Sagittarius which is linked to religion, and it is known that there is animosity between the two religious branches - Shiites of Iran and Sunnites of the Taliban. Knowing that the situation is far from settled in Afghanistan, could both nations turn their aggression towards each other?
Yet another part of the world that could be affected by this eclipse is eastern Australia where the eclipse is square the MC/IC axis. Knowing that the eclipse, as concerns the weather, leans toward hot and possibly windy - due to its parallel of declination with Mercury – their summer (December to February) could be exceptionally hot, with winds causing devastating wildfires.
What are the most possible/probable times of the eclipse's activation? We know that eclipses tend to express their potential prior to the celestial events themselves. With solar eclipses, this can be one, two or even three months prior to the event, but notable pre-activation events have been most often observed about a month before the eclipse. Mars transits also require consideration. Incidentally, this eclipse will be reactivated by a Mars transit (conjunction) just before New Year, around December 30, 2021. This is when we can expect more fire-related incidents and accidents, as well as increased aggression around the world, but especially along the regions where the eclipse is strongest (see ACG map). A diligent astrologer will cast a graph with Mars ACG lines to get additional information and insight, of course, but I have noted that the eclipse and nodal lines are the strongest indicators, regardless of the planet that activates the eclipse degree.
The eclipse could also show its effects around March 2, 2022, when the New Moon takes place at 12° Pisces, thereby reactivating the eclipse degree by a square. Incidentally, Mars will conjunct Pluto on that day, possibly causing accidents due to negligence, uncontrolled heat, or triggering disruptive weather events. The second half of March, with Mars conjuncting the south node of the eclipse, could also see much heat, accidents and fires as well as mass protests.

Declinations are an important consideration in mundane forecasts. We have been in the Moon OOB (out-of-bounds) period since March 2020. In 2022, the Moon will reach even further in its monthly declination cycle. During the first three months of the year, it will rise above the equator for up to about 26.5 degrees. Watch out for extreme events during the days when the Moon is OOB! On these days, things tend to get 'out of control', people get 'a bit crazy' and life can get weird. Many important changes tend to take place when the Moon reaches its uppermost declination and changes direction. Those dates will be (take a day before or after): January 2, 16 and 30, February 12 and 26, March 12 and 25.
Mars will be OOB (out-of-bounds) between January 12 and February 10. Mass murders and other extreme forms of aggression are at least twice more frequent in those periods, as well as unusual, out-of-the-ordinary accidents, but also heroic deeds showing exceptional courage or bodily strength. In war zones, however, aggression can get out of control.

But can you tell us something 'nice' too, I can hear you ask? Something positive and uplifting? Certainly! As already mentioned, the eclipse does not portend more serious harm as is 'normal' or as can be realistically expected. Good news is also that all the outer planets will be direct during the first three months of 2022 (with Uranus turning direct at the end of January), allowing for much freedom of expression, ambitious new starts and successful new undertakings. Be careful, though, in commerce, transport and contract signing between January 14 and February 3, during the Mercury retrograde phase. And, of course, don't fall in love between December 19, 2021 until January 29, 2022. Venus retrograde, bad luck. You can, however, get back with an old flame during this time, which can be even more romantic – especially in the deep, dark winter cold.
But the best news is Jupiter's transit through Pisces, of course! The traditional ruler of Pisces will enter its 'nocturnal home' on December 29, 2021 and (initially) stay there until 10 May, 2022. Pisces is the last water sign, whereas Jupiter is the great 'benefic', enlarging and enriching everything that it touches. Therefore, astrologically speaking, Jupiter's benevolence should start to be expressed as an increase in sensitivity, humanity, compassion, and sympathy to people's emotional needs. A dignified Jupiter suggests that people's rights as well as ethical and moral principles should get more respect, recognition and practical application.
I also think that this Jupiter transit predicts a less dangerous phase of the current pandemic, and should be followed by a relatively rapid decline in the covid-19 cases at the world level. As I have indicated in several of my blogs and articles, dedicated to the pandemic, Neptune is the major 'timer' in this respect. We have seen how its station at the end of November/beginning of December 2021 coincided with the emergence of omicron. Its next station comes at the end of June 2022, possibly bringing an end to it, as well as to the pandemic itself, but that's already exceeding the time limits of this forecast. What I really wanted to say is that Neptune, beside ruling infectious disease, is the modern ruler of Pisces, a sign often associated with hospitals and ill health, so Jupiter in Pisces should help substantially in lessening the seriousness of the pandemic and eventually bringing it to an end.