Our dear AFAN community,
Visions are odd. Their timing strikes at strange hours. The potent ones hold us close, as we recognize something of ourselves in those strange imaginings, perhaps an aspect of our practical reality cast away from the shore of the known. Somewhere between the greasy apparitions of our baser moments and the subtle imaginings where we dare to admit our true potential, hope coos gently, like a dove in a magician’s moth-eaten costume coat.
As Jupiter in Pisces conjures a haze, what devices do we utilize for discernment? Within these pages you’ll find a multitude of talismans to protect you on your path.
Danny Larkin begins when we were all but a twinkle in a distant galaxy, giving us an astrological lens with which to view ancient history. Shawn Nygaard’s reflections on Venus, Pluto and Capricorn are like a tuning fork. Pitch-perfect observations on nostalgia, merit, and the befuddling nature of love. Venturing through the realm of the sea goat, we hear a siren song. Clever Emma Lea Russo reveals The Lure behind all the shimmering and far too clingy lurex. Like Odysseus on the Island of Circe – perhaps we have already stayed too long.
As Homer tells us, even the wily need assistance. Gray Crawford invokes the muses to guide us in song. The arts are a beacon, shining beyond the daily grind and into the imaginings of a softer realm. Alas, the curtain between the archetypal and mundane is crossed quickly, at times, unknowingly. Wade Caves helps us to focus and find the signal in all the noise. The signal is amplified when imbued with self-knowledge, and a new perspective is provided by Maria Blaquier with a thoughtful application of draconic astrology. When we face our dragons, we are certain to need healing. Sam Belyea’s timing triggers for medical astrology offer a salve.

A pause in the journey allows us to gaze upwards, wondering at the sublime nature of the cosmos. Rod Chang captures an interstellar nursery, hearkening us back to those very ancient origins. Minds and eyes clear from self-imposed chaos, we look upon the artwork of Shu Yap, incorporating the reality of interconnection. The eclipses are further revealed through the diligent observations of Ema Kurent. And finally, I consider the charts of champions, reimagining the nature of Jupiter in Pisces as conscientious, engaged, committed.
So, like a rabbit out of a hat, here we are. Living, breathing, collectively envisioning. Shrouded in the mist of inspiration, hopping pie-eyed towards the unfamiliar desires of our own hearts.
We are so glad you’ve made time to join us.
In earnest appreciation for your readership,